our integrated services

Marketing Strategies

We develop go to marketing strategies that may involve campaigns, ATL and BTL activities, as well as digital media initiatives to maximise ROI.

Content Marketing

Writing copy is a very crucial element of marketing and advertising. We do content creation, writing, curation, as well as placement. Copywriting alongside our strong media relations is reason to why iM360 is leading in Public Relations in East Africa. 

Digital Marketing

In the increasingly digital age, we have online media channels as key strategic elements to increase reach, engagement and sales.


We optimise your brand to increase the visibility of your services on google. As iM360° is a leading marketing agency in Tanzania and East Africa, we know just which digital keys to use to unlock your brand potential online


Storytelling has become the talk of town in the world of strategy today. Corporates and organizations in Tanzania are depending on video content, animations, photographs, and music to tell their stories to stakeholders, clients and the public.

Graphic Design

Our team comprises external as well as in-house full-stack graphic designers that are ready to take your brand to an exciting level of creativity and impact.

We use tools such as IPSOS, META and others to manage activities and measure the progress of marketing executions to get real-time values and reports for customer engagement with the company or its published content.
Internet of things

Technology is a critical aspect of our operations and management to ensure synergy with client to exceed expectations as well as manage activities seemlessly


An aspect where most strategies converge, PR means a lot to the clients of iM360°, who intend to connect, educate, and influence their target audience. To unlock brand potential in Tanzania, it is usually best to engage Marketing with Public Relations. 

Der Myth über Ghostwriting Enthüllt

Ein Ghostwriter (wörtlich: Geisterschreiber), auch Auftragsschreiber, ist ein Autor , der im Namen und Auftrag einer anderen Particular person schreibt. Benötigen Sie einen erfahrenen Ghostwriter für Businesspläne, Reden, Präsentationen und Bewerbungen? Unser Ghostwriter-Service stellt Ihnen Autoren & Berater zur Seite, die in dem jeweiligen Bereich erfolgreich sind und Ihnen individuelle Lösungen und hilfreiches Feedback ghostwriter günstig mit auf den Weg geben.

Ghostwriters could be employed by anybody who wants content however may not have the time or expertise essential to create it themselves. Seriöse Ghostwriting Agenturen werden darüber hinaus niemals nach persönlichen Informationen fragen oder von Ihnen eine Anzahlung vor einer gründlichen Prüfung Ihres Anliegens fordern.

As a ghostwriter, you'll normally work fairly intently together with your shopper. You could be privy to their rough notes or thoughts maps, otherwise you would possibly interview them on the phone or in particular person. And it doesn't mean your platform is off the table. You generally is a ghostwriter and have a writing profession beneath your individual name. Many writers, including me, merely use ghostwriting as a technique to complement or help their writing passions.

Wie für alle unsere Leistungen gilt auch für das Schreiben Lassen von Hausarbeiten, dass eine kostenlose Plagiatsprüfung sowie ein Lektorat im Preis enthalten sind. Auch alle für die Hausarbeit notwendigen Verzeichnisse sowie die Gliederung sind in dem Festpreis enthalten. Diese zählen nicht zu der von Ihnen beauftragten Seitenzahl. Eine eight-seitige Hausarbeit, die Sie schreiben lassen, umfasst somit kostenfrei ein Inhaltsverzeichnis, Abkürzungsverzeichnis, ggf. Symbolverzeichnis sowie Literaturverzeichnis.

It isn't simply movie star biographies that get ghost written. Basically, something that can be written and sold may be ghost written. Firms can farm out the content material writing of their brochures or websites to ghost writers. The finished product should look as if it has been written by somebody who either owns the company or knows the working of the corporate inside and outside.

In actual fact, I would been within the subject of ghostwriting earlier than beginning full-time running a blog. I used to be enjoying the money that I was making by writing content material for others within the names of my purchasers. However at one time, I checked that my writing was being bought one-time and I wasn't making any recurring money from them.

Zu den wichtigsten Prinzipien gehört dabei die sichere und vertrauensvolle Kommunikation mit unseren KlientInnen. Sie können darauf vertrauen, dass alle übermittelten Daten mit größter Sorgfalt und Anonymität behandelt werden. Dies beinhaltet auch alle Rechte, die Ihnen nach den aktuellsten Datenschutzrichtlinien zustehen. Auf diese Weise stellt Writing Science sicher, dass Sie in jedem Fall ein wissenschaftliches Unikat geliefert bekommen, das individuell auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten ist.

On the outset, at least, it is normally simpler to seek out somebody, or a company, willing to entrust you to put in writing a speech for them — and pay you for it — than it's prince harry ghostwriter to write a complete book. And, to state the obvious, books are main tasks to embark upon which set the bar of expectations far larger for the possible ghost.

Another excuse why you may want to be a ghostwriter is that when you're completed with the work (and the shopper likes it), that's it. There is no such thing as a need to advertise your client piece on social media. ghostwriters for his or her experience and writing expertise.

Wir garantieren Ihnen volle Diskretion und eine sichere Kommunikation (SSL-Verschlüsselung). Ihre Daten werden nur für Ihr Anliegen genutzt und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Somit kann Ihr potenzieller Arbeitgeber nicht von der Beauftragung erfahren. Mit der Lieferung Ihrer Bewerbungsmappe erhalten Sie ein alleiniges Nutzungsrecht, sodass wir Ihr Bewerbungsschreiben weder publizieren noch zu anderen Zwecken nutzen dürfen.

Another concern is deception. Readers may assume that the credited writer actually wrote the content, undermining belief and credibility. Personally, as a reader, I might feel snug with state of affairs #1. The thoughts in the e-e-book belong to the blogger, but the ghostwriter has helped shape them.